Love on Film

Recently I've been admiring the differences between film and digital images. I'll never be one to take a hard line stance on one or the other because they are special in their own way. Kind of like beer verses wine. Or Marvel verses DC. Or computers verses typewriters...ok, not like that. But they are unique. A few things I love about film: 1. I pee my pants with excitement every time I drive to pick up a roll of film. 2. After reviewing the images, I have a strong desire to do better next time. I do this with digital but it's way more instantaneous and sometimes I forget what I want to adjust. 3. Film has a soft quality that is beautiful. 4. Film is VERY forgiving. (Thanks Film, you are so kind! My digital camera would have called me names and then made me spend an hour in Photoshop correcting that, but you just gave me a hug.) 5. No post processing on film. This is a HUGE benefit. It is what it is. The color is right (or interesting at least).

I recently purchased a Nikon FE camera which can use most of my lenses, so while on our engagement shoot weekend, I captured these with Fuji Provia 400, hope you enjoy! And thanks to Larissa & Craig, Yoon & Dan, and Ellen & John for letting me snap a few extra with that strange film machine.