I'm just loving these Oregon coast family sessions on the beach. This was the FIRST time little Stella had ever put her feet in sand and dipped her toes in the ocean! What a memory. Thanks Clara and Kyle for running around with me! Visit my client proofing site to view slideshows & purchase prints!
I really, really love senior pictures. Meg is a smart cookie and we had a blast finding some incredible light and beautiful places on Sauvie Island.
Visit my client proofing site to view slideshows & purchase prints!
VanMatre Family
Amanda & Brennan were married on Arcadia Beach 5 years ago. Visiting from Missouri, they contacting me about photographing them and their 3 year old son in the same spot where their family began. And when you're a family playing and having fun at one of my most favorite places on earth, I'm going to take LOTS pictures. Thanks so much to Amanda, Brennan, and Kyler for an amazing time on the Oregon Coast. Visit my client proofing site to view slideshows & purchase prints!
binita & gurvinder, family
Sweetest ever.Visit my client proofing site to view slideshows & purchase prints!